Good Things Come in Small Packages

A special little box came in the mail earlier this month.

617 a small box

I already knew what was in it, thanks to a warmhearted yarn fairy, Melissa in Georgia, by way of Washington State. – Hunh?. . . from Georgia to Connecticut, going through Washington? This sounds an awful lot like that earlier box of yarn which vacationed for a while in Puerto Rico! No, no, this is nothing like that. You see, Melissa participated in a yarn swap with a fellow Raveler who lives in Washington, but instead of replenishing her own stash, she asked that her ‘new’ yarn be sent to me!

It’s Bernat Satin, a yarn with a very smooth finish and a soft sheen. Nice!

617 Bernat label

And there are eight 3 1/2 ounce skeins of it, in three colors – enough to make an entire ripple!

617 8 skeins

What do you think, guys – shall I use it up in one fell swoop by making one lovely ripple or spread the shine among several?

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4 Responses to Good Things Come in Small Packages

  1. Karen says:

    I think it would make a lovely blanket all by itself. The colors are beautiful!

  2. AnnB says:

    I agree with Karen. It would make a teen girl a very elegant blanket with just those three colors.

  3. Bettina says:

    too tempting not to work it up immediately 🙂

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